bumi berongga bahasa Inggris
- bumi: earth; earth's; soil; the earth; globe; earth
- berongga: hollow; porous
- bulan berongga: hollow moon
- katode berongga: hollow-cathode
- prisma berongga: hollow prism
- bumi: earth; earth's; soil; the earth; globe; earth globe; world; terrestrial globe; terra; planet; blue planet; terra firma; estate; sublunar; earthly concern; land; farming; dry land; earthquake; planet
- ahli bumi: geographer; hipparchus
- analog bumi: earth analog
- apitan-bumi: earth-terminal
- atmosfer bumi: atmosphere of earth
- atmosfera bumi: atmosphere of earth
- bayangan bumi: earth's shadow
- belahan bumi: hemisphere; hemispheres of earth
- bentuk bumi: sphere
- bola bumi: globe; terrestrial globe; terra; planet; earth globe
- Unique UFO Documentary – 1975 (Remastered) – Psychic Research, Witchcraft, Hollow Earth Theory
Dokumenter UFO Unik - 1975 (Remastered) - Penelitian Psikis, Sihir, Teori Bumi Berongga